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Outstanding cities in Andalusia

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Highlights in Andalusia

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Why do tourism in Andalusia?

Andalusia is a community located in the south of the Iberian peninsula with a large extension of land, being the most populated Spanish autonomy. Perhaps the good climate that lasts all year is one of the reasons why thousands of tourists visit their lands and fall in love with their customs. Will you be next?

Culture and history are found on every roof and on every tile. Some peoples such as the Roman, the Iberian and especially the Muslim, have remained for years in these lands and have left their traditions that still survive today.

In addition, it is a community that offers beach and mountain destinations, it all depends on what you want.

In fact, the coasts are enviable and thousands of tourists decide to spend their vacations in its fine sand. Surely you are wanting to get tan in the Andalusian sun, but don't forget to put on sunscreen!

We must not overlook the mountain terrain and its extent of reserves and natural parks. In fact, 20% of the territory is under regulatory protection.

Finally, from we know that gastronomy is an aspect to take into account when planning your next outing. You're lucky! Your holidays in Andalusia will be accompanied by exquisite dishes. Seafood and fish such as shrimp, anchovies and whitebait are present in the ports of the coastal cities. Serrano ham is known around the country, so ask for a serving. If you also accompany it with a good glass of wine, which occupies a privileged place at the table, you will feel Andalusia in all its splendor. And if you are more sweet ... flour crumbs will be your downfall!

What places to visit in Andalusia?

In you can find hotels at a good price for all the autonomous community. The hotels in Andalusia is broad and varied in its 8 provinces.


The southernmost province of Andalusia is Cádiz . In the historic center, is the beach of La Caleta, where you can get inspired while you take a bath, or watching the tide go down with the boats sailing and skimming the surface. Its historical center and its monuments will surprise you.


A few kilometers to the east is Málaga. The good weather of this land will accompany you when you decide to take a walk in a city that blends modernity and history. In fact, you have a very wide and varied throughout the year.


Located between Malaga and Almería , you can visit Granada , possibly one of the favorite cities for many tourists. The activities to do in Granada are very different and fun. Get ready for its monuments to give you a live history master class and enjoy the best views. In addition, its people will be happy to help you fill your stomach with its delicious gastronomy.


Bordering Murcia and near Granada, Almeria is a community surrounded by mountains ranges and features the only desert in Europe. There have been recorded movies and series due to be unique. But leaving this landscape so barren, in the Cabo de Gata-Nijar you can find a beautiful nature park consisting of cliffs and beaches of great quality that provide a more natural than ever dip.


Jaen is a province with a great importance in the kingdom of al-Andalus, located near Almeria, and is one of the provinces in the interior of the community .. In fact, you'll find the Arabic influence in the courtyards and squares you go finding when you take a walk around the city. Nearby, you can take pictures of postcard landscapes of Rio Segura.


Located at the foot of the Sierra Morena and near the banks of the Guadalquivir, is Córdoba. In the tenth century, they lived together Christians, Jews and Muslims, leaving many and various alleys that will not be able to resist visiting. The white walls of their houses with colorful pots hanging from the wall will leave you some good memories.


If you want to do tourism and spend your holidays in Sevilla , west of Córdoba , you will become part of the large number of visitors who visit this city every year. Dig deeper into Andalusia with more race and character by visiting its streets. Its people invite you to be part of Seville's history on your getaway and you will feel inside why everyone speaks so well of this beautiful city. You can stay in the most central hotels in Seville at a surprising price.


Finally, bordering Portugal, Huelva is the city of sun and beach in all seasons. When you visit their hidden caves underground, you need to recommend to everyone you know. suggest you take a trip on the Guadiana river and enjoy its calm waters.


Without any doubt, it is worth making a tour of the cities of Andalusia community. Do not settle for just one visit!

Fiestas in Andalusia

The festivities in Andalusia are very popular and known throughout the country. Many people go to the provincial capitals to enjoy them and be part of these events.

In Seville you can enjoy the April Fair , an annual and obligatory appointment for all those flamenco lovers. The best gastronomy will accompany you while you watch the traditional dances. But if you are thinking of traveling there, run to book! On this date, the hotels are crowded and we do not want you to miss it.

The colors are more vivid than ever in the Carnivals of Cádiz. Its inhabitants choose their best costumes and go out to show them on their streets. Music, rhythm and dance will be your companions on this journey.

Finally, the Horse Fair in Jerez is another meeting point where people from Jerez bring out their best clothes and dresses to share their art with tourists and neighbors.

Easter in Andalusia

Easter in Andalusia is known around the country , celebrated in all the cities of the Andalusian community. Beliefs and faith are palpable in the environment during all the days of this event.

The brotherhoods work for many weeks to be able to share with everyone the best setting of their most beloved virgins. At Easter, the brotherhoods are shown to all attendees so that the devotees show their respect and receive their blessing.

You cannot miss the tradition of this festival and the possibility of observing how these festivals are lived in the different parts of Andalusia .

Monuments in Andalusia

The different cultures that have passed through the land left a gift in the cities of southern Spain. This gift was translated in the form of monuments that rise between the heads of its inhabitants and that expect the flash of hundreds of cameras daily. Therefore, if you want to spend your holidays in Andalusia, you cannot miss any of them.

The Alhambra in Granada is one of the most popular monuments in the country. Its walls protect a citadel within Granada itself. Their shadows play in sunlight and dance in the gardens. A tip: charge your camera before going, since you will not stop shooting photographs during the time of your visit.

The Mosque of Córdoba is a sacred place that, after the expulsion of Islam from the city, was converted into a cathedral. The contrast of its different architectural styles is visible in each dome, glass and column.

If you are going to spend your holidays in Seville, you will understand why the film and series producers have decided to record their shots at the Real Alcázar in Seville . Its walls hide historical palaces inside that are in full view of all those who want to take a look at them.

Andalucía natural

If you are a nature lover and want to flee from the crowded streets to calm your mind, certain Andalusian lands will invite you to be silent. The natural parks have green landscapes that will be a feast for your memory. The Sierra de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas Natural Park is one of the most famous nationally with a large area. And as we have mentioned, the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park is another of your points of interest.

The Playa de Tarifa will invite you to spend the whole day lying in a hammock until you see the sun go down behind its dunes. And we cannot overlook the Almería Desert , the only one in Europe, which will show you a wild and natural landscape.

Facts about Andalusia

  • Did you know that Andalusians have a reputation for making a lot of noise and speaking very loudly? Do not panic! We are sure that they will make you feel very clothed.
  • Did you know that in the town of Mijas you can transport yourself in a single taxi? This taxi is about a donkey.
  • Did you know that the Alhambra in Granada acts as a sundial?
  • Did you know that it is typical in an Andalusian bar to receive a small portion with your soft drink?
  • Did you know that there are ten Andalusian singers who have represented Spain in Eurovision?

Hotels in Andalusia is your online travel agency responsible for ensuring the best hotels in Andalusia and the best prices you will feel the race, tradition and colors of Andalusia.

In you can find plenty of hotels in Andalucia. The best hotels in Seville, Malaga, Huelva, Granada ... among many others are available to a single click.

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