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Outstanding cities in Asturias

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Why do tourism in Asturias?

If we had to define Asturias with an adjective, it would, no doubt, natural. Proof of this are the six titles declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. Although not a very large community, the principality is a tourist destination for those seeking escape from the busy streets and the frenetic pace of the city.

High cliffs preside over the beaches where you can forget the summer heat. Its waters slightly cooler than the Mediterranean Sea, refresh and renew you. You return to your home full of strength and vitality.

One of the advantages of the principality does not have a large area is that cities are very close to each other. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to spend a few days holiday, we recommend you visit them all. You can get a hotel night in every city and make a road route to not miss anything. In a few days you can receive the respite the Principality of Asturias and investigate every part of this beautiful corner. Do not stay without seeing the magic of the principality!

Which sites to visit in Principado de Asturias?

The principality of Asturias is located north of the peninsula. Cantabria limiting their territory east, south León, Lugo west and north bravo Cantabrian Sea. Are we already placed, right?

The cities of Asturias are Oviedo, Gijon and Aviles. Three, form an imaginary triangle and are spaced therefrom kilometric about distance. Therefore, it does not involve more than a few minutes to move between them.


The city within the principality is Oviedo. Its people welcome you with open arms and will delight with the finest delicacies for the palate. In fact, if you visit Gascon Street, you will have the opportunity to taste the best cider and cuisine of the capital of the principality. An artistic city and recipient of the awards ceremony where the famous Prince of Asturias Awards are divided. Do not forget to visit the Cathedral of San Salvador and sip a drink in the charming and cozy square of the Fontan.


Northwest, it is located Aviles. If you want to enjoy a city near the sea, nature and stroll through the downtown streets with medieval influences, booking a hotel in Aviles you will get your goal. It is the only city of three bisected by a river. But Aviles is also a bit futuristic: a proof of this is the Niemeyer International Cultural Center. Inside, you can enjoy exhibitions or the best views of the city.



A short drive along the coast, you will come to Gijon. Is the most populous city and many tourists come to stay a few days in their hotels. It was one of the main Roman cities. Do not forget to take a stroll through the old fishing district, Barrio Cimadevilla. a charming and with a marine atmosphere which is maintained despite the passage of time zone. In case you want to enjoy the green areas within the city, you can take a walk in the park Isabel La Catolica. And if you walk down the middle, do yourself a selfie with the letters forming the word Gijon.

Cudillero, Luarca and Llanes

If you are staying in Aviles, visit Cudillero, a town located a few kilometers towards Lugo. Built on a hillside, much of the beautiful home overlooking the beach. A charming village. Very close to there, you can enjoy Luarca, a seaside village of white houses that invite you to relax sitting on a terrace overlooking the harbor.

Finally, on the border with the community of Cantabria, it is Llanes. Possibly, it is one of the most visited in summer and best known towns. Quaint, charming and natural. An event you can not miss, let alone if you're sleeping in a hotel in Gijon.

Nature in Asturias

The nature of Asturias is one of the main tourist assets of the principality and one of its charms. The lungs full of fresh air you and your worries will disappear for a moment. Previously, we mentioned that the principality of Asturias has the title of Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in six different locations, which are as follows:

• Oscos-Eo

You starting with western Asturias Find reserve Oscos-Eo, part of Galicia and Asturias. A large area full of trees, valleys and where the river is the main protagonist.

• Natural Park of Las Fuentes del Narcea and Ibias Degeña

Nearby, inside the principality, you can enjoy the heights of the mountains and the colors of the Natural Park of Fuentes del Narcea and Ibias Degeña. The neighboring enclosure is the Natural Park Ubiñas La Mesa, bordering Leon lands.

• Natural Park of Somiedo

Amid the previous two, you can visit the Somiedo Natural Park, which contains up to five lakes. And pay attention: with a little luck maybe avistes a bear in the distance.

• Nature Network

Finally, to the east it is located the Natural Park of Redes, with high contrast of landscapes and the National Park Picos de Europa, where the highest peaks of Asturias. Keep reading, because we give more details a few lines below.

• Oneta Waterfalls

Although not holding a certificate of UNESCO, from Amimir we will also highlight the waterfalls of Oneta, near the town of Cudillero. They will enjoy quiet moments while listening to drop their waters.

• Lagos de Covadonga

The famous lakes of Covadonga was the destination to which we referred above. Had you ever learned? The sanctuary of the Virgin of Covadonga is located in the National Park Picos de Europa, in a charming and relaxing environment. Add this visit to your itinerary; worth it.

The lakes Enol, Ercina and Bricial are the guardians of the sanctuary. Imagine for a moment how you will feel to be on more than 1,000 meters high, watching the beautiful lakes in the middle of nature and mountains.

Beaches in Asturias

Costa Verde hides paradisiacal beaches where the green of the mountains merges with the blue sea. They are more than two hundred and there are all kinds: large and small sandy, stony, or hidden coves. 345 kilometers of coast in Asturias, sandy coves lapped by the fresh waters of the Cantabrian and imposing acantilaldos. We show you the most features:

Cuevas del Mar

Caves at the mouth of the river, is a beach dotted with huge cliffs pierced by the sea, which expose caves and tunnels. Cuevas del Mar is a, near Nueva de Llanes and with good equipment and a recreational area very touristy sandy area.

• beach Poo

Surrounded by meadows, this beach lies in the mouth of a small stream called River Vallina. When the tide rises, Playa de Poo is remansada as if it were a shallow pool. Safe bathing insured, so it is very popular with families.

• Playa de Rodiles

If you want to visit the beach of Rodiles, be encouraged to book a hotel in Gijon, as it is a few kilometers. Rodiles has an extensive wooded area of ??pines and eucalyptus trees and a wooden boardwalk by the bank of the river that transforms it into a single sand. It is one of the most surf beaches, very popular with fans of water sports like surfing.

• Beaches Concha de Artedo, del Silencio and Cadavedo

La Concha de Artedo is one of the most symbolic beaches of Asturias. Blue Flag and framed inside the protected zone of the West Coast, enjoys cristialinas waters and is quite sheltered. For its part, the Playa del Silencio, protected by islands and cliffs of different sizes that appeased the force of the sea, offers a pristine spot, though much visited. The Cadavedo beach, which takes its name from the nearest town, is not short either: in medieval times, was a former whaling center but now enjoys an undoubted attraction in a beautiful rural entrono.

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