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Why do tourism País Vasco?

If you have not already done so, be encouraged to discover the reasons why the Basque Country increased its tourism figures year after year. The community, also known as Euskadi, is surrounded by the Cantabrian Sea, the community of La Rioja, Cantabria and Navarre, the city of Burgos and France, which places it in a privileged geographical position and becomes a tourist enclave the first order.

Removing the urban centers of provincial capitals (which receives most tourists and contains the highest density of hotels), the Basque Country, is mainly characterized by its many green areas ... Perhaps this nature is one of its Main tourist attractions.

It is also possible that the almost infinite variety of beaches is another reason they call to visit the Basque Country. From beaches for families to relax, to unspoilt beaches and crystal clear waters for lovers of relaxation, surrounded through nature coast for the more adventurous. All this without forgetting the wild beaches of Euskadi for the brave and athletes who dare to ride the waves. If you are looking for a hotel in the Basque Country to go to enjoy its beaches, keep reading because below we tell you much more about the different beaches that you can visit.

It is impossible to think of the Basque Country without you comes to mind the smell of the famous pintxos. Its excellent Basque cuisine catch you after walking around the streets that keep thousands of history. Culture and monuments in every corner of every city. If you choose to spend your holidays in Euskadi, you've done well! Only you is book the hotel you prefer and in the city you want. You're just one step.


Located south, historic Vitoria has one of the most beautiful old towns of the Basque Country, which will draw you in its streets. Sit in the lovely Virgen Blanca Square while you take a coffee or wine on the terrace and look around you.

Saint Sebastian

In the case that there were only two rules defining adjectives to the city of San Sebastian, would majesty and elegance. Situated north of the Basque Country, a refined style is latent in every one of its streets. The beach is within walking distance of the historic center, a visit you can not miss and which also can try some delicious dishes and tapas in the wide variety of bars and restaurants you'll find.


Bilbao awaits you with open arms. The city offers a variety of attractions to make visits to its streets, its squares, its estuary, an unforgettable experience. And since the narrow streets of the old town to the Gran Via and New Biblao there is a world of history and legends.

In addition to revel in its gastronomy, you will do with the wealth of knowledge offered by museums, so if you're thinking of booking hotel in the Basque Country, Bilbao is a good destination to do so.


Finally, since we want to highlight Guernica, people who inspired the work of the famous painter Pablo Picasso and suffered the bombing in the Spanish Civil War. Its streets hide years of history that you can not miss. In addition, as data curious travelers in Guernica you can find the tree under which the autonomy of the Basque people in the Middle Ages was declared. Do not miss it!


Nature in the Basque Country

Much of its territory is formed, as we have indicated above, a vast expanse of rural land and plant. From we indicate some of the greatest natural sights of interest and location so you can stay in a hotel near them.

• The Natural Park Aizkorri

North of Vitoria Aizkorri Natural Park stands. With a wide range of trails to do, one day you will know little. Visit the Cave Arrikrutz, the river and the Sanctuary. You also have the opportunity to camp overnight, Dare!

• Green Ring of Vitoria

If you are spending your holiday in Vitoria, you'll feel nature very close to you. Around the city there is a natural extension called Green Ring of Vitoria where you can see the diversity of flora and fauna.

• Salto Nervion

A few kilometers west of Vitoria, it is located Salto Nervion. A full of cliffs and rocky landscapes area. In rainy season, you can watch from the Mirador del Salto del Nervion a beautiful waterfall. Highly recommended!

• Urkiola Natural Park

Finally, we do not want to forget the Urkiola Natural Park south of Bilbao. Delve into its lush forests and discover the Basque countryside. From the viewpoint of the 3 crosses, offered sight of the mountains leave you in awe.

• Oma Forest

And finally, if we talk about nature in the Basque Country, something you should not forget is to visit Oma Forest in the Biosphere Reserve of Urdaibai, located between Bilbao and San Sebastian. There, the artist Agustin Ibarrola, decided to paint over the trees. Depending on how you look at it will see shapes of people and animals drawn on the trunks. Precious, do not miss it!

Beaches in the Basque Country

• Beaches in San Sebastián

The offer of beaches to visit is extensive. For starters, if you want to spend your holiday in San Sebastian, you will find the beach just a few steps from your hotel as the coast is within walking distance of the city center. There, you can enjoy Playa de la Concha (the most popular and close to the old town), the Ondarreta (more traditional and calmer waters) and Zurriola (ideal for surfing). And if you dare, visit the beach of La Isla Santa Clara, which you can access by taking a boat from the port of San Sebastian.

• Laga and Laida Beach

If you are looking to get away from the city for some relaxation, the crystal clear waters of Playa Laga and Laida give you the opportunity to do so. Separated from each other by a few kilometers, they are located north of the Biosphere Reserve Urdaibai, between Bilbao and San Sebastian. Relax in them by the waters of the Cantabrian Sea and the northern breeze.

• Lekeitio Beach

A few kilometers east from the beaches previously commented, following the coast, the village of Lekeitio is located. Its beach has clear waters and because the tide is changing, you can reach the island that looks far without much effort. Fancy, right?

• Beach Alkolea

And finally, one of the bravest beaches is the beach Alkolea, located in the municipality of Mutriku. This beach is also located between the city of Bilbao and San Sebastian has the best waves for surfing.

Gastronomy in the Basque Country

Basque cuisine has a high prestige, not only national, but international. In fact, two restaurants of San Sebastian usually in annual lists of best restaurants in the world. If you want to try them , their names are Mugaritz and Arzak. In the old and near the town most hotels, you can also try some of the best dishes in town.

With pintxos, the Basque chefs bring out their imagination and art to delight every taste bud in your mouth, taking into account all tastes and possibilities. You will make your mouth water, right?

Other typical dishes of the community are porrusalda, a cream containing vegetable leeks, potatoes and carrots or marmitako which consists of a tuna casserole with potatoes, onion, pepper and tomato. By the way, you can not leave the Basque Country without tasting the Bacalao Pil Pil, a dish composed of the rich northern cod accompanied by olive oil, garlic and chillies. To accompany not forget to ask for the traditional and typical white wine called txakolin.

By the way, you know they say that September is a good time to travel? Although cheap hotels in Basque Country you can book, you can not resist escape this place more than once a year.

Traditional sports in the Basque Country

If you love the sport, the Basque Country offers the possibility to practice on their land in countless ways. From traditional sports like football, even more adventure sports like surfing. But if something is curious it is that the Basque Country has its own, as part of its tradition for decades.

You can watch some sports competitions Basque parties cities. Possibly pelota is the most popular of all sports. It is based on throwing the ball at a wall and before the second boat has to bounce off the wall with his hand.

Another of the most famous Basque sports is dragging stone or stone lifting. But if one is curious, is the aizkolaris, the sport is a competition of cut logs.

Museums in the Basque Country

In case you want to cultivate your mind visiting museums, the Basque Country has a varied offer. The most important of the whole community is the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. Sure, today, you still keep wondering how you can keep up with these peculiar ways.

In Vitoria, you can visit the Museum of Fine Arts. Surprising for its architectural structure, it will fascinate even more with the works of art found inside.

Finally, if you book a hotel in San Sebastian, there is also the possibility of going to a museum a few steps from where you are sleeping. It is the San Telmo Museum, ideal to know in depth the evolution of Basque history. As you can see, the Basque Country does not leave you indifferent culturally.

Events in the Basque Country

You know when you know the true Basque environment? In its festivals and events. Music, laughter, cheers and good food are at street level. From we provide a small book to help planificarte. Attentive!

• In the Basque Country holiday begin the year since the January 20 is the feast of the Tamborrada. Nothing more and nothing less than 24 hours of music and tradition through the streets of San Sebastian.

• The first week of August, you must go to Vitoria to enjoy the Fiestas de la Virgen Blanca. On day 4 you can live the txupinazo and falling Celedón, in which you will see nothing more and nothing less than a doll that flies over the Virgen Blanca Square hanging from an umbrella. Mary Poppins reminds you, right?

• On August 8 begins the tradition of "Aste Nagusia". For a week you'll live fireworks, music and dancing in San Sebastian. And if you were left wanting more, Bilbao awaits you with open arms on August 22 in his "Aste Nagusia" festival that also lasts a week and that warns people that the summer is over.

Curiosities about Basque Country

  • Did you know that the word "guiri" comes from the Basque Country? The Basques baptized the supporters of Queen Cristina in the Carlist War with the name "Guiristino" .
  • Did you know that the inventors of the famous train named TALGO were Basque?
  • Did you know that the music card game was already played in the Basque Country by the 18th century? Will you dare to play a game with them?
  • Did you know that Basque television often refers to Navarra as "the Foral Community"?
  • Did you know that Basque is older than Latin? In fact, it is one of the oldest languages in the world.
  • Did you know that in Basque, God says Jainkoa? It comes from the word Jaungoikoa, which means: "the lord above."
  • Did you know the literary meaning of Maiteminduta egon, which means to be in love? Maite is love and min is pain. Therefore, it means hurt of love.

Hotels País Vasco is your ideal travel agency to find the best hotels in the Basque Country at the best prices. An autonomous region that will offer a wide range of options to perform. Get wet, breathes and lives in the Basque Country.

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